Saturday 15 June 2013


Dear Readers, NSA, Obama and the CIA, the Eel and her Small Fry thought you should read this poem. Many thanks to Rose Drew for sending us this literary gem! On behalf of Rose, the Eel would like to remind NSA not to forget to floss, and she hopes you have a good day. Given that a life of spying on people and reading mail not sent to you must be lonely, we decided to be nice and include you in all our posts so that you can pretend you have friends. 
Love from the Eel, the Eel's Small Fry and Rose x 

What are you in for?

prison shivs
guard towers
stick with your own kind.

just bigger yards with
private cells
that never the less
can be breached
by guards
at will.

most don’t realize we’re inside.
the walls grew
while we handed over our bags for inspection
raised our arms,
for cancer scans,
looked the other way
when our library list was expunged.

the rules lengthened
while we accepted wiretapping,
unwarranted searches,
being held without charge

sure, they came for them
or they
or not me or then me or fillintheblank cliché:

but the truth is,
they rounded all us up
and we just changed the channel
laughed at Simon Cowell
and forgot to care.

prison shivs
guard towers
stick with your own kind.

just bigger yards with
private cells
by Authority
at will.

By Rose Drew

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Dear Readers, Obama, NSA and the CIA...

Dear Obama, NSA and the CIA,

Eel just thought you would like to know that when she was not online talking to people, (but you already knew that bit right), she went in the bath and watched television. The Eel is now going to watch a DVD. Then she is going to have a cigarette, go to the loo, brush her teeth and then go to bed. Because you will have read the Eel's text messages, you will know that she is assisting at an event tomorrow evening. However, prior to that she will clean her house, do some washing, go to university and then go to see her boyfriend. She will probably have a coffee with milk and two sugars while she is with him and discuss what is happening on Friday. She will also tell her boyfriend about the job vacancies you know Eel has found, but that her boyfriend does not know the Eel has found because she has not spoken to him online this evening. Because the Eel knows how you like to be aware of exactly what everyone in the world is doing at what time, she thought she would help you by telling you everything she does when she is not on the internet as it will save you having to spend people's taxes on hiring spies to follow the Eel and her Small Fry. The Eel hopes that you approve of the things that the Eel plans to do tonight and tomorrow, and that they are not a threat to your nation's security. Similarly, she hopes that when you pass this information onto Mr. Cameron, MI5 and MI6, they will not class her plans as terrorist acts. If you require any further assistance from the Eel, please do not hesitate to let her know - you already have her phone number, email and address so the Eel should be easy enough to get hold of.

Many thanks for your time and kind regards,
The Eel.

Friday 7 June 2013

It's coming.....

Issue 4 of the Eel will be swimming your way...soon. Owing to the increase in how much postage and packaging costs, it is with regret that the Eel will no longer be a printed zine. However, the good news is that Issue 4 will now be FREE for everyone because it will be in PDF format that can be accessed from the Eel's site. Contributors will be sent their own PDF in an email attachment. We know that a number of people prefer printed zines rather than online collections, but we feel this is the most practical way of being able to ensure that the Eel continues swimming. What with the proof reader away, the co-editor moving to the other end of the country and the Eel having just finished her essays for university, it has been a very hectic few weeks. However, the Eel can confirm that she has decided on what is being included in the fourth issue, and is hoping to have #4 on the site within the next couple of weeks.